Latest productions:
Life by the Sword a 3-part TV-series (3 x 48 minutes, 2012)
about The Israel Defence Forces, hosted by Prof. Martin van Creveld, the world’s leading Israeli military historian.
The dramatic and fascinating story of about one of the strongest armies in the world.
Part 1: From War to War, part 2: Army and Society, part 3: Future Challenges

MANJA, a life behind invisable bars (1 x 56 minutes, 2013)
The documentary tells the moving story of the ruined life of Manja Croiset, born in Amsterdam in 1946,
and her lifelong journey through psychiatry. Manja is a second generation Dutch Jewish Holocaust survivor
and is in therapy since she was 16 years of age. Manja's problem is never understood. She became a chronically
ill psychiatric patient, and spent many years in psychiatric hospitals, was 'drugged', got electroschocks,
was treated with LSD and uses her lifelong medication. She is constantly living with fears and nightmares.
What went wrong at such a young age? Was ever asked for a cause, did she ever had an adequate treatment?

Remembering a Murdered Child ( 42 minutes, 2012)
A gripping film about the 18,000 deported and murdered Jewish children from The Netherlands, 1942-1945.

Magical Israel , A journey through 5000 years history (3x30 minutes, 2010)
3-part TV series, Part 1: From Jerusalem to Bersheva, Part 2: From Safed to Tiberias Part 3: From Akko to Tel Aviv
An impressive series shows the most spectacular sites in Israel and tells about its fascinating history.

Anne's Silent Struggle (2008) is the moving story of Anna, a deaf woman, who managed to survive the horrors
of Auschwitz despite her handicap. For the hearing, Auschwitz is characterized as a place of horrible sounds;
shouted commands, screaming, shooting and cries of torture. For the deaf, the terror was silent.
This is the first film documenting the dramatic story of a forgotten group that was able to survive.the
ir tremendous handicap. The film was shot on locations in The Netherlands, The U.S., Belgium and Poland.
